The “As You Like It” Sweater
On July 3, 2021 by PamI just started crocheting this year so, I didn’t really think I would be moving from dishcloth to sweater but, it turns out, crocheting comes with tutorials and friends (and husbands) to coach you just like knitting, cooking, and quilting. This pattern is designed by my husband and podcast partner, Charles. The link is available below in Ravelry (where you can find other patterns by Charles Voth Designs). As we enjoy empty nesting as a couple, we are finding all kinds of things that we enjoy together – beyond creativity like cooking, quilting, designing, knitting, crocheting, etc. – we also work out through http://hasfit.com, bike and take courses together http://udemy.com. So, follow this link to the pattern and use the discount code 50offAYLIT (that is a capital “i”) to try this pattern for yourself. If you are struggling, please feel free to post your questions or email any issues and we will help you out.
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