Roasted Tomato Sauce
On August 29, 2021 by PamSo, the canning continues with roasted tomato sauce – we did 1 1/2 bushels and 60 jars – some 2 cup, some 3 cup and some 4 cup…it was HOT but, well worth the effort. We finished the canning on the BBQ….less steamy in the house.
Preheat your oven to 425 F. Wash and cut the roma tomatoes in half. Line a baking sheet with foil and spray with olive oil. Lay the tomatoes out with the skin up – fill the tray and you can layer them double. Cut up 3-4 large onions and spread on top of the tomatoes. Peel and cut in half 10 garlic cloves and spread them across the tray. ( To take the skins off the garlic pour boiling water over them). Sprinkle a handful (about 4 teaspoons) of salt over everything, drizzle with olive oil (not too much because you don’t want to set your world on fire and there is a lot of juice when roasting). Drizzle balsamic vinegar over everything. Roast for about 40 minutes. Let cool and peel off the skins.

While your tomatoes roast, turn your BBQ on high place 4 red peppers on the BBQ. Turn them until the skin is blackened. Let them rest and peel the skin off – they will be added to the sauce. Wash 1 1/2 cups of fresh basil.
You also need one jar of pasata (strained tomatoes to thicken the sauce), 2 tablespoons of dried Italian Spice mix and 1 1 1/2 cups of dry red wine.

In a large bowl, place the skinned tomatoes and everything else from the tray – including the juice (onions and garlic), add the basil and peeled, roasted red peppers. In your food processor, puree everything in batches and place in a large pan.

Add the wine, 1 jar of pasata and spice to the pot. Bring to a boil on medium, reduce heat and simmer for about 30 minutes. Stirring often. In the meantime, sterilze your jars (you will 4- 3cup or 8 – 2 cup jars from this batch). I did about 12 trays for 60 jars. Boil your lids and rings for at least 5 minutes.

Pour the sauce into jars – leaving a 1/4 inch at the top for sealing. Tighten the lids on and process for 20 minutes at a full boil in your canner.

You can roast carrots or mushrooms, eggplant or broccoli – anything goes in this sauce! All vegetable – no sugar added!!
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