Recycled Mittens – An Easy Homemade Gift…
On December 12, 2021 by PamDo you have any old wool sweaters or fluffy fur or any old sweaters or wool coats (they don’t have to be felted because the usually already are) that can be felted.
To felt the sweaters or fabric, wash on hot and dry in a very hat dryer.
Use the attached patterns to cut out the size of mittens that you want.
Cut out the mittens and the lining.
Using a zigzag stitch, with right sides together. Sew around the thumbs to join the top pieces.
Sew the thumb section to the top of the mitten (right sides together).

Turn the outside glove so it is right side out and leave the lining inside out. Insert the lining in the glove and fold over the cuff.

Turn down the raw edge of the cuff and blind stitch it closed.

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