Riding for Kid’s Cancer
On August 10, 2022 by PamThis year, I decided to put my focus on exercise and healthy living to good use by being part of
“The Great Cycle Challenge”. This yearly event raises money to fight cancer for the over 1,400 children who are diagnosed with cancer every year, the biggest killer from disease in Canada.
I have raised over $1000 (check in tomorrow after double day) and I have now ridden over 114 km towards my goal.

Today was a special ride – it was Charles’ birthday so, we rode together – starting at 7:30 a.m. and we rode 13.6 km. We bought new bikes this year and so our rides are not only smooth but, fast. We have always loved riding and so, this challenge has just allowed us to put our hobby towards a cause that is very meaningful to me – making the lives of children better and giving money toward research that will save lives.
You can follow my ride (and even donate until the end of August) at:

Many thanks to my donors:
Zachary Voth
Heather Horton
Brenda Stokes Verworn
Charles Voth
The McCullough Family – Clint, Joelle, Liam and Jacob and Agnes Vriese
Glen Boese
Jayde and Chris Di Peliino, Mason and Charlotte
Margaret Kleinsmith
Marissa Di Pelino
Brian Blais
Colleen Bieri
Fran Lang
Joan De Young
Katy Koepke
Maxine Gaylor
Meghan McKay
Rita De Luca
Sue Thibodeau
Carolynne Canham
Heather Muir
Loretta Voth
Ruth Daigle
Norinne Hardyman
Samantha Dowty

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