Boo Bags for Hallowe’en
On October 10, 2022 by PamHallowe’en is just around the corner! I love making extra special bags of treats for all my young friends. These are super simple – a bit of Hallowe’en fabric, ribbon, pinking sheers and some treats and you are on your way. Life is MUCH more fun when you are bringing other people joy and having a bit of fun doing it.

Cut pieces of fabric 10 or 12 inches by 7 or 8 inches. Put them right sides together – ensuring that any pattern on the bag is right side up to the top of the bag.
Cut ribbon 20 inches long and then cut it in half (2 pieces – 10 inches long for each Boo Bag)

Tuck a piece of ribbon between the pieces of fabric (against the right side of the fabric) and pin it to the edge on each side about 1- 1/2 to 2 inches down from the top of the bag. The ribbon should be inside the bag – ensure that you don’t sew the extra ribbon as you are sewing the sides and bottom of the bag.
Sew the sides and the bottom of the bag. Carefully removing the pin as you get to it and ensuring that the ribbon is secure.

Once the sides and bottom of the bag are sewn, turn the bag to the right sides and the ribbons will be sewn in and ready to tie the bag shut.

Fill the bag with treats and tie them shut.
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