The 2022 Sock Project – The Last Sock
On December 19, 2022 by PamWell, I did it – I knit one sock every month in 2022. Is it over? Not at all – this year, I am going to knit and give all year long – 2023 is the going to be the Sock Project Continued…with socks going out to friends and family all year long – for no reason at all. Bringing smiles with socks – there is still SO MUCH SOCK YARN in this house and I am going to use it up – I am determined. If you know my husband, Charles, you know that there is NEVER too much yarn and so this task could take me well into the 2030’s but, I am up for it. What “habit” will you commit to in 2023? It doesn’t have to be amazing (or even Social Media worthy). Most people will not stop to read about my “Sock Project” in 2023. It is all a symbol for me of always moving forward, of loving people and wanting to do fun and hopeful things for them (and for myself). Joy is the oxygen for doing hard things, even though it does not erase pain. Life is not easy but, remember, whatever you do that moves you forward makes you good enough. You don’t have to reach for the impossible, we are fragile (everyone is). We live inside a life that is not perfectible. But, our imperfect, ordinary lives can bring joy to others. What is your life trying to point to? Always do the most interesting thing you can – but, make sure it is interesting to you – and awesome. Knitting, crocheting and sewing have taught me that nothing in life is tidy – there is always ambiguity and inconsistency. Man was made for movement (conflict, love, embracing life and hope) and not for rest (sitting around waiting for whatever you think might happen to you). Embrace honesty, compassion, faith and hope and we need to make decisions that truly expose our best selves. Pretty deep for a pair of socks but, here I go….The Extended Sock Project 2023: Sharing Socks as I Make Them.
This final pair is made from cotton (a good choice for a friend with “hot” feet). The pattern is the ladies sock that I have used throughout the sock project….
I just shortened the leg to make it an ankle sock. This was fun to do and less stressful than the full sock that usually takes the full month (amid many other projects). It also make sense for running shoes or just for someone who wants to wear their socks more like slippers (and not have them be woolen and hot).

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