My December 2022 Book List
On December 31, 2022 by PamI read 128 books this year. I love reading – I love listening to books, reading a “real” book and reading off my Kindle. Encourage a love of reading in your children – read a variety of genres of books. Don’t be afraid to stay in for a whole day and just read, read, read. Start and end your day with a book. Listen to an audio book while you cook or drive or dust or fold your laundry. How do we learn different perspectives? How do we find out about different cultures and experiences? We can travel – sometimes that is not practical – but, reading takes us places – set a reading goal for 2023. Mine is going to be 150 books. I am pretty sure I can do it – turn off your television and read!!
My December reads are listed in order of impact – what book impacted me the most?
Unthinkable: Trauma, Truth, and the Trials of American Democracy
by Jamie Raskin
Congressman Raskin discusses the unimaginable convergence of personal and public trauma, he gives us insight into how the painful loss of his son and how it impacted his work in dealing with the aftermath of the January 6th attack on the capital.
Good Enough: 40ish Devotionals for a Life of Imperfection
by Kate Bowler, Jessica Richie
It is ok to be sad, imperfect and to struggle. Being vulnerable and living a honest, hopeful and true-hearted life is depicted in these short and meaningful devotionals.
Hero on a Mission: A Path to a Meaningful Life
by Donald Miller
Understanding the roles played by the characters in our life story: the victim, the villain, the hero and the guide. Who are you working to become?
Abandoned in Death
by J.D. Robb
A total crime drama – mystery and intrigue – a hostage story.
The Light We Carry: Overcoming in Uncertain Times
by Michelle Obama
Personal stories of living life and strategies for staying hopeful and balanced and living out the “we go high” mantra that went viral. Fresh stories and insightful reflections on change.
The Preacher’s Wife: The Precarious Power of Evangelical Women Celebrities
by Kate Bowler
Stories of the celebrity preacher’s wife – the anecdotes and research or unbelievable and terrifying – women’s search for spiritual authority and how far they sometimes go to get the attention and status they are looking for.
The Winners
by Fredrik Backman
The tragic and ongoing tale of two hockey towns and all the people caught in between.
From Strength to Strength: Finding Success, Happiness, and Deep Purpose in the Second Half of Life
by Arthur C. Brooks
Moving forward in life by understanding deep wisdom and true life success by detaching from empty rewards, finding connection and serving others, spiritual understanding and deep joy and fulfillment.
The Broken Girls
by Simone St. James
The story of the girls of Idlewild Hall…and the journalist who uncovered the truth.
The Locked Door
by Frieda McFadden
…when your father is a serial killer…and you are just trying to move on.
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