A Year of Dishcloths – Kindness Wins…
On January 5, 2023 by PamI am still knitting socks, and quilting and baking and exercising and, recently, playing cribbage with a group of friends. I also read – on Kindle, real books and audible – I would say I have at least 3 books on the go at once. So, when I saw this book by Annie’s Crochet, I couldn’t resist another little challenge – A Year of Dishcloths.
You can find this book at:

I have started working my way through it – it is fun and allows you to practice some really fun stitches and has the bonus of using up small pieces of cotton that have been laying around in your stash.
They make great little gifts (wrapped around a jar of homemade jam or pickles or mango chutney) and everyone always appreciates a little gift (even for no reason at all).

Life is always about trying new things – and looking for ways to show kindness to those around you. As We continue to move forward from Covid, I was really hoping that we would see people showing more patience and compassion towards each other. I am trying every day to model that every. single. day. If we all made compassion and kindness our focus, what a world we would have.
Make choices that honour simplicity, kindness and peace.

I love the dish cloth you dropped at the house….sorry I wasn’t home. I haven’t done anything about learning how to make them….in Feb when I am housebound and tired of winter I will come and get some lessons from the master. I want to make lots and give them to everyone I know! Carolynne
I am so glad that you liked it – I would love to have you come over and I would be so happy to teach you how..it is SO easy. You will be churning them out in no time!!