Are you ready to try something new? 2023 Sock Project Giveaway – February
On February 23, 2023 by PamI am reading a book by Seth Godin called “Practice”. He talks about life being about practice and being generous and changing the lives of those around you is simply about “taking action”.
Here is his list to help you “practice”…
Skill is not the same of talent.
A good process; can lead to good outcomes, but it doesn’t guarantee them (you can follow the knitting pattern and still not end up with a product that fits).
Perfectionism has nothing to do with being perfect.
Hubris is the opposite of truth.
Attitudes are skills.
There’s no such thing as writer’s block (or doer’s block – just pick up and “do it”).
Professionals produce intent.
Creativity is an act of leadership and leaders are imposters (I feel like an imposter every time I tell someone I am a knitter, crocheter, quilter, etc.)
All criticism is not the same.
We become creative when we “ship the work” or share it with others.
Good taste is a skill.
Passion is a choice.
Creative is a choice.
Avoid certainty.
Pick yourself.
Results are a bi-product.
Postpone gratification.
Seek joy (not frivolity or happiness – that is fun but fleeting).
Embrace generosity.
Ship the work – share it with others.
Learn from what you share or ship.
Avoid reassurance – you don’t need people clapping for you.
Dance with fear.
Be paranoid about mediocrity.
Learn new skills.
Create change.
See what the world is.
Get better clients – eliminate people who drag you down.
Be the boss of the process.
Trust yourself.
Enjoy this most recent, beautiful pair. It is a woman’s sock – size 7-9. It has been created for another hiker – to maker her experiences warm and comfortable and it will be shipped or shared. There are many patterns for socks on my blog so, dive in…learn something new and “ship your work”. Practice generosity every day.

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