The Foundation of Everything is Love
On March 4, 2023 by PamRichard Rohr is a Franciscan priest who has written many, many books. He is definitely one of my favourite authors. He believes that people are disillusioned with conservative religion and church institutions that teach that nonbelievers go to hell. He believes that a person does not have to follow Jesus or practice any formal religion to receive salvation, but rather “fall in love with the divine presence, under whatever name”. I have read many of his books and listened to countless podcasts that outline his teachings about grace and his understanding of what has happened in conservative circles (especially as a priest). His ideas are definitely rogue but, enlightening and extremely freeing. I would highly recommend that anyone who is interested in understanding the perspective of faith from a worldview of abundance, compassion and acceptance and inclusivity, read his teachings.
Several teachings from Richard Rohr….
Love is the engine of positive change. Spirit and truth plant you firmly in the breach between the world as it usually is (power) and the world as it should and could be (love).
Love is a dynamic dance. Love is based on grace. Love must flow in and out for it to be truly love. There is no such thing as an entirely unbiased position; the best we can do it own and be honest about our filters.
Until you receive faith, hope and love; most religion is a disguise, pretense, or a waste of time – part of the problem rather than the solution. Good theology clarifies the loving nature of God. A flow of love that goes full circle. Guilt, shame, reward or punishment does not move us to love.
Energy comes from relationship. Disconnected people do stupid and malicious things.
Are you living a generous life from an infinite source of love?
Love is the powerful horse – morality is the beautiful cart that it pulls.
Grace is the inner freedom to be merciful. Mercy is grace in action. Both are the children of love.
We must experience love as a completely free, deliberate, and arbitrary choice…without it we have nothing but sterile requirements and rituals. Mature Christianity is simplicity, nonviolence, restorative justice and inclusivity. It is not security and group status but, rather generosity and trust.
Disconnection is the greatest disease facing humanity today.
Show love tirelessly, no matter what happens.

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