Dialing it up a notch with the PELETON App…
On April 23, 2023 by PamWhen ever I thought of Peleton, I always thought of really expensive bikes and there are some amazing indoor cycling workouts on the app but, it is so much more. I still highly recommend Hasfit…there are some great workouts but, if you want to dial it up a notch, try the PELETON App. It is about $20 per month and it is well worth the money. The app includes strength, yoga, meditation, stretching, cycling, indoor, outdoor and MUCH more. You can choose workouts of different lengths and difficulty and you can focus on core, upper body, full body, there is a workout here for everyone.
I found the app through a friend and I highly recommend doing the free trial and then signing up. They recommend 3 days on, one day off and I basically stick to that. As the weather gets warmer, I usually take my workouts and exercise outside – biking and walking but, I always try to fit in at least 3 weight-driven workouts per week. For women over 50, it is essential that you workout with weights. From the age of 50 adults drop 1-2% of muscle mass each year, increasing to 3% for those over 60 . This means over time it’s common to lose strength and stability, and gain weight. Doing regular exercises with weights not only stops muscle mass from decreasing, it also helps rebuild it. Loss of muscle leads to loss of strength, which in turn affects balance and coordination. According to the National Council on Aging, falls are the leading cause of injury and death among older adults. Falls not only threaten your safety and independence but can also have enormous economic and personal cost. Working out improve coordination and mobility, maki ng you likely to fall, and if you do fall, you’re less likely to get hurt.
As well as working with your naturopath, medical doctors, regular exercise and healthy eating help you to do the best you can to live your best life. You can’t always prevent things from happening – some things are just outside your control but, you can do your best every day to move. Staying active and moving improves longevity – it is a proven fact so, if you want to change it up and challenge yourself, try the PELETON app.

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