Thoughts on Mother’s Day…
On May 12, 2023 by PamWhen I think of parenting, I often think of sending our boys off to school. For the most part, they barely looked back. They felt confident and able to handle the next chapter of their lives and that is how it is supposed to be.
“The fundamental unfairness of parenthood is that if we do our jobs well, one of the deepest bonds we are given will walk out the door with a wave over the shoulder”.
– Robin Wall Kimmerer, Braiding Sweetgrass
In these times of discussions about gender and freedom and listening, trying to understanding and seeking to widen our perspective to include more acceptance, we often feel confused and afraid that we will offend someone we care about. Can we find common ground before fighting over our differences? I believe that motherhood is a gift and that we need to celebrate who we are and who are children become. It might be unpopular to speak of the role of the mother in today’s times. I want to celebrate life and beauty and our ability to look at life in different ways and use the power of gratitude to incite reciprocity – until our minds are one.
How do we show children our love?
Each in our own way we are a shower of gifts and a heavy rain of lessons.
Loving behaviours of “motherhood”…
– nurturing health and well-being
– protection from harm
– encouraging individual growth and development
– desire to spend time together with your family
– generous sharing of resources
– working together for a common goal
– celebration of shared values
– interdependence
– sacrificing for others
– creation and celebration of beauty
Everything we do in life is sacred. The work of being human is finding balance – not by trying harder but by being easier on yourself – by respecting each other, supporting each other and bringing our gifts to the world and receiving the gifts of others – that way there will be enough for everyone.
Not everything should be convenient. We need to claim our lives, mistakes and all.
– from Braiding Sweetgrass
Spending time with my boys is the best part of Mother’s Day. Whether it be brunch or dinner, or just a walk around the block. I love to see them. Time is my gift and learning to slow down and appreciate life is my goal. Some day, depending on their lives, it might just be a phone call. They are my gift to the world and they are amazing – kind and empathetic and thoughtful and learning.
I think we are always conscious of those who are alone or sad or yearning on Mother’s Day. Whether it be situational or through estrangement or death or circumstance, we need to hold judgement and bless them with our understanding. The world can hold us all and it can do it with love.
In addition, to celebrate Mother’s Day, I always take time to celebrate my “sisterhood” . This may be unpopular but, my sisters sit at my table with me and when we share motherhood, we share so much. So, I sewed some zipper pouches and used some of my crocheted dishcloths because in giving to them (as they have given to me), I experience reciprocity and my hands lead my heart.
There are LOTS of free patterns for zipper pouches – it is how I got started sewing and it is a great way to use of fabric scraps. I have made them in a variety of ways (with squares sewn together to make the fabric – with stripes and so much more) …just dig in and give it a try.

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