Summer Solstice
On June 21, 2023 by PamI woke up this morning to summer. The sky was blue with big, fluffy white clouds. There was “heat” in the air. We have been trying to ride our bikes at 6:30 each morning – before it gets too hot. Summer solstice is simply an astronomical event that marks the longest day of the year and the start of summer in the Northern Hemisphere. During the lazy, crazy, hazy days of summer, my spirit longs to be outside, moving and sometimes just floating in the pool with a good book. We are the closest to the sun that we will be all year. Soak up that Vitamin D!!
The Summer Solstice is a reminder that we are part of a global community – it is a moment where we are all connected. It is the “peak” of the sun – it is the moment to that we can soak in and reflect on the accomplishments of the long winter and slow down and appreciate the warmth and beauty of these long (and ever shorter) days. The nights will draw in slowly until the winter solstice in December.
Here are some ways to honour the summer solstice…
– greet the sun – there are some fun yoga poses that allow you to do sun “salutations”
– Enjoy nature – everything is green and alive – you can sit outside until late in the evening and then fall
into bed tired from fresh air and movement
– bring something to life – grow a tomato plant – go pick some fruit – plant some flowers in pots
– light a fire – invite some friends to share it with you
– immerse yourself in water – or sit by water – or float on water

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