Summer Blooms
On June 23, 2023 by PamSince it officially summer, I thought I would share some of my newest summer blooms. We have been working on this garden for a couple of years and we are now in the process of expanding it to the other side of the house in front. We are hoping that soon we have a clover yard filled with mostly flower gardens that attract bees and butterflies. One of my favourite things to do is to have coffee on the front porch and enjoy the garden. We start having coffee and breakfast on the front porch (which we had built over our old cement porch about 4 years ago) as soon as it is possible to sit outside with a light sweater or jacket. There is nothing as soothing as being outside among beautiful flowers, hearing the birds and even feeding the squirrels.
The Glory of the Garden by Rudyard Kipling
Our England is a garden that is full of stately views,
Of borders, beds and shrubberies and lawns and avenues,
With statues on the terraces and peacocks strutting by;
But the Glory of the Garden lies in more than meets the eye.
For where the old thick laurels grow, along the thin red wall,
You find the tool and potting sheds which are the heart of all;
The cold frames and the hot houses, the dung pits and the tanks,
The rollers, carts and drain pipes, with the barrows and the planks.
Our England is a garden, and such gardens are not made
By singing: – “Oh, how beautiful!” And sitting in the shade
And when your back stops aching and your hands begin to harden,
You will find yourself a partner in the Glory of the Garden.

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