Adaptability – Generating Helpful Thoughts
On July 25, 2023 by PamThree years ago, we recorded a podcast called “Adaptability for the Win”. It was recorded before we started our youtube channel but, it is really worth a listen.
Since recording that podcast, I have continued to think, read and have conversations about adaptability and flexibility. Your mind, body and emotions are all connected and influence one another. It is so important to get to the root of your thoughts and perceptions of the world around you so that you can generate more helpful and adaptive thoughts. Sometimes, if we pull our worries into the real world and make them a practical problem to solve, we can act instead of feel frozen and inflexible. If you are not behaving or thinking the kind of thoughts that move you forward as a person into the future you desire, than you need to change them. If we wake up every morning determined to act in practical ways to ensure that we make a positive contribution, engage in “work that matters” and show that we care, it can kick us out of any mental “rut” and allow us to see alternatives and become flexible and adaptable.
It requires bravery to look at yourself truly and deeply and then to accept the possibilities that lie within us. Power comes with responsibility. Worry less, help more and increase the chance that something positive will happen.
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