Back to School is TWO WEEKS AWAY…
On August 17, 2023 by PamI know lots of little (and big) people who will be returning to school after Labour Day! Going back or starting school for the first time is very exciting. There are frayed nerves and new routines and getting used to focusing and concentrating on learning new things and accepting new ideas and people. The symbols of back to school have not changed in a VERY long time…apples, busses, books and pencils – a new outfit, a backpack, a lunch bag (not a pail). Back to School “shopping” and sales and buying new shoes….how has education and schooling really changed in the past 50 years?
What does innovation really mean when it comes to education? Do classrooms look the same today as they did when you were in school? What does real, legitimate research say about how children learn and what the learning environment needs? How do unions actually make education better – they claim that they put children first but, does this mean that teachers ALWAYS need to be considered as the top priority in education? How do we solve the problems and challenges of education by working together and not against each other? How do governments really prioritize what is needed, rather than trying to make each other look bad so that they will get elected? Is any government or party without blame?
My opinion – and that is all it is – is that honesty, integrity and accountability are the answers to some of these dilemmas. When we stand up and take responsibility, we make a difference. When we actually work together, we make a difference. When we do things because they are the right thing to do, rather than what is most beneficial to our status, we make a difference. When we focus on reading, learning and growing as individuals (and not on pointing out the flaw of others), we make a difference. When we seek to question with compassionate curiousity and not turn our backs on the issues and problems that are all around us, we make a difference.
Well, that was heavy – hopefully, the students who enter school now can learn critical thinking and how to be life long learners – tolerance of all different types of people and a mindset that allows them to question and learn, rather than criticize and another person’s journey. I want a world where we can solve problems and become all that we are meant to be – everyone can learn, everyone can grow but, it starts with themself and teachers who are willing to step outside the politics and really make a difference.
These little washcloths will go to some little people celebrating some “firsts” in their school careers. I know that I will do everything I can to support them in their courageous journeys of learning and growing.

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