More Socks To Give Away….
On October 17, 2023 by PamIf you have been following our podcasts, you will know that we just returned from a trip to Portugal and Spain. I still can’t believe that we actually went to start with but, it was magnificent in so many ways – from food, to scenery, to architecture, to lazy days on the Algarve beach. We did a really great job of combining “experiences” with the opportunity to rest and recharge (which is really what vacations are all about).
Eating in Portugal and Spain happens late in the evening – most people begin their meals at around 8 p.m., especially on the weekends. So, after we would enjoy a beautiful dinner of grilled octopus or gigantic tiger shrimp or cod or monkfish – so much amazing seafood – we would stroll back home to read, watch TV and KNIT!!
Of course, we found a yarn store in Lisbon – totally by accident – walking in a shopping district in old town after breakfast! They are set up more like libraries and you select the colours from a book and then the salesperson climbs the ladder to find it. We managed to buy quite a bit of yarn (some for my next pair of socks) and an extra bag to bring it all home!

So, I finished the red pair on the night before we left for Portugal in an airport hotel in Toronto. We would highly recommend going the night before if you are flying out of Toronto – it is SO much more relaxing and gives you the best start for your trip. The blue pair was finished on trains, planes and automobiles (and a few AirBnb’s as we travelled through Portugal and Spain. So, here they are – with the travel socks going to Tracie Giesbrecht – one of my favourite travelers.

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