Almost at the end of a Year of Dishcloths…
On November 21, 2023 by PamAs I have worked through my dishcloth pattern book, I have crocheted two of each of the patterns. The first time round, you get the idea and the second time really gets in your head and you start to learn the stitches so that the next time around, you can do the stitch without “looking it up”.
I have read lots of books and articles about memory loss as you age and It always says that the more you use your brain and engage in challenging activities, the better it is for your memory. So, I am always trying new things and learning how to do new stitches and try new patterns.
Improve your memory by staying physically active every day – stay mentally active by engaging your mind in reading, solving problems, learning a hobby, etc. – spend time with others and stay connected – avoid clutter and stay organized – sleep well and eat a healthy diet AND take care of your health by getting screened regularly to avoid chronic health issues.

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