Card Holders – Quick and Easy Christmas Gifts
On December 4, 2023 by PamMy dear friend, Jayde sent me this idea. I found the patterns and have been making them for the last few weeks. For little kids and seniors, this is a great gift. Card games are SO much fun and a great way to keep your mind sharp, learn and pass the time. I am always grateful for good friends who share fun ideas with me and I love to keep my hands active when I am watching TV at night. Jayde has already used one of these to start playing “Go Fish” with her 4 year old son, Mason. Never stop learning and trying new things.
What do you need?
2 circles – 6 1/2 inches in diameter cut out of flannel
2 buttons
2 CDs
Embroidery Cotton
Temporary Fabric Adhesive

Sew around the outside edge with embroidery thread and pull tight and tie a knot to secure.

Sew buttons through the center of the CD to secure the two halves together.

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