The Reader’s Wrap
On December 19, 2023 by PamWhat do you do when you have read 149 books out of your 150 Goodreads reading goal for 2023? Well, you knit yourself a Reader’s Wrap. I have seen a couple of posts on Facebook in the Facebook Book Club and the Goodreads Society saying that some people don’t believe that anyone can read 150 books in one year but, I am here to say that you can.
I have established a reading “habit”. I listen to books on Audible while I am cleaning, cooking, sewing, and exercising. I am always reading an inspirational book and journaling about it – I try to do that every morning. I then have a “fun fiction” book that I am reading. I am often “working on” three books a week. I don’t choose short books – I choose books that appeal to me. My average book length was 330 pages and I read 49,231 pages during the year. Do I really care? No…it is just fun. I love a challenge, I love reading, I love learning and I love developing great habits.
So, I am working on a reading shawl. I can picture myself in a nice coffee shop (not Starbucks) wrapped in my shawl reading one of the books that I am looking forward to reading in 2024. I haven’t decided on my goal yet for this year but, I am going for more than 150 for sure. I definitely want to read Liz Cheney’s new book, The Women by Kristin Hannah, Funny Story by Emily Henry, Wandering Stars by Tommy Orange, Grief is for People by Sloane Crosley, The Concierge by Abby Corson, and SO MANY MORE…
You can download (and by for a mere $5 US) this pattern from Ravelry and give it a try…it is an easy, winter project.

Wow you inspire me so. Love the wrap.