The Last of the Hats…Spring is Here!
On March 27, 2024 by PamI have been knitting hats this winter. I am going to tuck them away to donate or give as gifts when Fall/Winter arrive on our doorstep once again. What is next? I don’t know quite yet but, I might work on a few sewing projects instead…time will tell. One of the things that I LOVE to do is share my creative endeavours with others – from baking, to sewing, to quilts, to books I love to read, to knitting and crocheting projects – I love giving them away and spreading some joy….
I am started to get more and more interested in “upcycling” so stay tuned for some interesting new projects…there are LOTS of benefits to upcycling…
1. We can save materials from landfills.
2. We can reduce the materials that end up in landfills. We’ve become so used to things being mass manufactured and made in a heartbeat that we buy things as quickly as we throw things away.
3. Minimal uses of natural resources. Instead of throwing things away – think about what you can use it for next. Instead of buying new, what are some options?
4. Repairing an item and giving it a new life is a great skill and a wonderful feeling.
5. Celebrate artisanal work and old school craftsmanship.
There are lots of ways to decrease your carbon footprint and make a positive impact – upcycling is definitely one…especially for crafters…and there are NOT shortage of ideas available to us through the internet…pinterest. etc.
When it comes to my hats and dishcloths, I am on a mission to use yarn that we already have (and we have A LOT) rather than buying more so, I am continually looking for interesting projects that I can create – like socks, hats, dishcloths, toys, etc. that I can make to give as gifts or donate. It isn’t exactly upcycling but, it is using up what I have instead of buying more and more and more.

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