Fighting for your Health
On July 12, 2024 by PamIn our house, we have always been concerned about eating right and getting enough exercise. We have recently started reading about our vagus nerve and being mindful of caring for our nervous system as well. I have had a couple of crazy health issues – including a mis-diagnosis of Chrone’s Disease. I wanted to write this post to make sure that every woman has access to this information – I know LOTS of women suffer with various ailments and, unfortunately, women’s health is still not handled well. DON’T SUFFER IN SILENCE – please feel free to contact me directly if you need support.
Recently, I have been battling the dreaded UTI. I heard everything from – “this happens to women after menopause” to “we can just put you on a low dose of antibiotics for 6 months”. NONE of these answers appealed to me and it was interfering with my life – my activity and my mental health. So, I took control and started researching. I went the route of a pelvic floor physiotherapist to rule out some of the physiological causes of UTIs – like prolapse – and due to exercise and a strong core, I discovered that this was not the problem. I did, however, discover that I had a lot of tension in my pelvic area – not surprising after 6 months battling about 9 UTIs and as many courses of antibiotics.
I am so thankful that my pelvic floor physiotherapist referred me to a very knowledgeable and up-to-date naturopath who immediately took me off iron. Iron oxidizes in the blood/body and feeds bacteria that contribute to UTIs. He also recommended UTI drops with Juniper extract. If you are suffering from recurring UTIs, you need to break the cycle and these drops did the trick. They are not cheap but, as I said to my family doctor, I would have hung by my toe nails if I thought it would stop the cycle of UTI infections. You can order these from Amazon or through your local health food store.
The bottom line is you DO NOT HAVE TO SUFFER. Do not let anyone tell you that you just have to keep taking antibiotics and destroy your gut biome. My naturopath also recommended a probiotic that supports the biome in my bladder.
Below I am giving you the link to my naturopath and pelvic floor physiotherapist. They are located in Fonthill but, my naturopath will do virtual appointments and he is worth it. Not only did he listen to me but, he did extensive blood work (that he will follow up on) that showed exactly what I needed to work on. I am now working on rebuilding my gut health and I have been free of UTIs for 3 full months.
This is the link for UTI drops: https://www.amazon.ca/Preferred-Nutrition-UTI-Drops/dp/B016E5HYP8
This is the link for Dr. Dalton Vander Sanden https://pelvicphysioniagara.ca/naturopathic-medicine
Pelvic Physio Niagara has pelvic floor physio for men, women and children, as well as Pilates and SO MUCH MORE.
I made sure that I worked with my family doctor and had EVERYTHING about my bladder checked out to ensure that there were no bigger issues – I had an ultrasound and a CT Scan, as well as a cystoscopy (in Hamilton) – I do not do ANYTHING in Niagara (other than a family doctor for referrals). I ruled out all the serious things and am so happy to have a naturopath who researches and is SO up-to-date on what is available to support you in really living your best life.
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