Here come the YIP YIPS…
On July 29, 2024 by PamThe Martians, sometimes called “the Yip-Yips,” are interplanetary visitors, presumed to be from the planet Mars, who are terrified by things like clocks, telephones, and computers on Sesame Street. When frightened, they hide beneath their lower lips, which shoot up to cover their faces. They rarely come face-to-face with other characters on the show. In their skits, these creatures, with squid-like tentacles, large eyes, and antennae, materialize into a room and converse with each other in their native tongue: “Yip-yip-yip-yip… Uh-huh. Uh-huh,” done in monotone voices. They often come across common objects and, curious as to their names and functions, the Martians will consult a book presumably containing information about things on Earth, although they sometimes make several incorrect guesses based on their book. In one skit, for example, the Martians call a computer a television and a typewriter before deciding what it actually is. The first puppets were originally chenille hats, adapted by Carol Wilcox.
I am working on crocheting YIP YIPS in various colours for my friend, Jayde’s new Kindergarten class – opening September 2024. They are fun to make and so, I have added the pattern for you.
Large Yip Yip Pattern.
btwn = between
rep = repeat
[ ] square brackets = repeat the sequence of instructions inside the
sc = single crochet
st(s) = stitches
inc (increase) = 2sc in same st
blo = back loop only
Pattern Instructions
Round 1: Make double magic ring, ch 1, 6sc in ring, cinch tightly.
Round 2: Inc in each st around—st count = 12 sc.
Round 3: [1sc, inc], rep btwn [ ] around—18 sc.
Round 4: [2sc, inc], rep btwn [ ] around—24 sc.
Round 5: [1sc, inc, 2sc], rep btwn [ ] around—30 sc.
Round 6: [inc, 4sc], rep btwn [ ] around—36 sc.
Round 7: [4sc, inc, 1sc], rep btwn [ ] around—42 sc.
Round 8: [3sc, inc, 3sc], rep btwn [ ] around—48 sc.
Round 9: [7sc, inc], rep btwn [ ] around—54 sc.
Round 10: [2sc, inc, 6sc], rep btwn [ ] around—60 sc.
Round 11: [inc, 9sc], rep btwn [ ] around—66 sc.
Round 12: [9sc, inc, 1sc], rep btwn [ ] around—72 sc.
Round 13: Sc in BLO in every st around—72 sc
Round 14: Sc in every st around—72 sc.
Repeat Round 14 until Yip-Yip is 6 inches tall from Round 13.
Change to working in rows
Row 1: Ch 1, turn, skip 1 st, 35 sc, ch 1, turn—35 sc.
Row 2: Skip 1 st, sc across, ch 1 turn—34 sc.
Repeat Row 2 until there are 3 sts remaining; stitch count will reduce by
one each row.
Rows 34 & 35: 3 sc, ch 1, turn.
Row 36: Skip 1 st, 2 sc, ch 1, turn—2sc.
Rows 37 & 38: 2 sc, ch 1 turn.
Flip Yip Yip to the right side out (there is a ridge visible from Round 13 on
the public side).
Sc evenly around the entire opening, approximately 106 sc.
Sl st to first sc, turn.
Chain 26, sl st to 3 rd sc from base of chain, turn.
Sl st in front loop only of each ch from ch-26 hanger. Sl st in the first sc you
meet after the hanger. Fasten off.
With white, work first 4 rounds of Yip Yip body.
Rnds 5 & 6: Sc in each st around — 24 sts still
Rnd 7: [sc in each of next 2 sts, invisible decrease in next 2 sts] x 6—18 sts
Insert eye pupil in center of round 1.
Rnd 8: [1 sc, invisible decrease in next 2 sts]x 6—12 sts
Stuff the eyeball.
Rnd 9: [1sc , skip next stitch] x 5, sl st in next st. Fasten off.

These will be well loved!! The yip yip’s were brought back to life with the number of the day in more recent Sesame Street episodes! They are great little characters.