August Dishcloths – Making the World a Brighter Place
On August 13, 2024 by PamAnother set of dishcloths to brighten the summer days. Isn’t is great to live in a world where we experience the freedom to do things that we enjoy, that relax us, that bring us peace and that, ultimately make the world a better place. Everyone has the capacity to become more enlightened and more self-aware. Gratitude, forgiveness, and kindness form a triad that leads to freedom. Freedom means that we are better at reading personalities and situations around us, we are more resilient and we respond to what is real (not old triggers that are stuck inside us) and we become very effective at detecting “bullsh%$#& and knowing when we are being manipulated. We need to find ways to be the best version of ourselves, we want energy so that we can have joy, be vulnerable, relax, be kind and be at peace. Take control, do what is best for you, sweep away obstacles, get the right resources, choose your targets and pursue them. Increasing your strength, resilience, energy and clarity while reducing your stress (by crocheting a dishcloth or two) and you will find your highest purpose. You have to know yourself to be a better version of yourself. Every day, everything you do is an offering to the world.

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