Beautiful November and Cycling
On November 8, 2024 by PamThis November has been amazing for a great ride. Before the time change, you could slip a ride in during the late afternoon. So why do we still “fall back” every Autumn? Advocates in support of Daylight Saving Time suggest that in addition to reducing crime and automobile accidents, extended daylight hours also improve energy conversation by allowing people to use less energy to light their businesses and homes. Opposing studies argue the energy saved during Daylight Saving Time is offset by greater energy use during the darker autumn and winter months. The idea was first suggested in an essay by Benjamin Franklin in 1784, and later proposed to British Parliament by Englishman William Willett 1907. However, it did not become a standard practice in the United States until 1966. Daylight Saving Time as originally instituted in the United States during World War I and World War II in order to take advantage of longer daylight hours and save energy for the war production.
So, here are some beautiful pictures of my November ride (after the clocks fell back)….

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