The Beautiful Blue Jay
On January 12, 2025 by PamOn the warmer days in various seasons, we often sit on the front porch and feed the squirrels and the blue jays. I have created one bird to hang in our bedroom but, I wanted to create a blue jay given that we have such beautiful ones in our garden.
Paper piecing is not easy but, it is a creative project where I really feel “flow” and I get in the “zone”. Flow is a state of mind where someone is fully immersed in an activity, to the point of losing track of time and self. It’s a core concept in positive psychology and is characterized by a sense of control, exhilaration, and enjoyment. I can get into that state when I am reading or writing in my journal as well. I think flow state is important but, I am always aware when I am in the “flow” – sometimes, I feel annoyed by unnecessary disturbances (like my cell phone) during a flow state. I often listen to a audio book while I am sewing but, once in awhile, I don’t. During those times, I really feel “flow” where I am totally immersed in the creativity of the moment. There are only certain times in your life when this is possible – retirement is one of them – no babies or toddlers and kids rushing home from school – just flow.
Blue jays are symbols of communication, curiosity, and confidence. A sighting may be an omen urging you to speak up, be bold, and chase your goals. Seeing a blue jay may be a warning to second guess who you trust, as this rambunctious bird is also associated with trickery and deceit. I see blue jays every single day and now, I will see one every time I walk into my bedroom.

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