Valentine’s Day is around the corner. How can you celebrate love and friendship without “breaking the bank”? Valentine’s Day is about friendship and showing others that we care so, don’t miss this opportunity to spread some love and friendship.
Go for a walk together – your partner, your friend – bundle up, hold hands, walk to a coffee shop and talk together.
Write a letter or a message to a friend or family member. Talk about all the things that make them special to you. Mail the letter so that a little “love” lands in their mailbox.
Make some heart-shaped pancakes and serve up a little bacon and strawberries on the side.
Put down your phone and spend an uninterrupted evening together.
Develop a special picture of their family and you with your partner or children. We have so many pictures on our phones these days, it is LOTS of fun to actually print the picture for someone special.
Listen carefully to someone, find out something would make them pleasantly surprised and buy it for them. It can just be something simple like a couple new tea towels, a pair of warm socks, cleaning supplies and so much more. Keep your eyes and ears open to find out something that would bring a smile to their face.
Give someone a call or a simple text to let them know you are thinking of them.
Do you know of a young family where parents are working and life is busy? Cook them a meal, bake them some muffins, drop of something that will make their life easier and more fun.
Be someone’s cheerleader! Words of encouragement are a great way to express your love for your loved ones. Affirmations can mean a lot to people, especially when they come from people they love when they need it the most.
Give compliments directly to the people in your circle. Acknowledge the amazing parts of the people you care about – their smile, how they look and the things that they do. Be honest and specific and you will make someone’s day.
Making Valentine’s Day special can be very simple – spend some time thinking about the people you care about and then take action and make a difference.
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