My Story
Life is full of transitions and mine is no exception. Through all the transitions of my life, I have discovered and become more and more me….just me…not the labels or the roles but, the person.
This podcast is about me sharing the process of becoming. This website is about me sharing the joys of my journey, the things that I am reading, thinking, learning, creating and most of all what I am becoming. So, after removing all the labels – wife, mother of two grown sons, former teacher and principal, knitter, crocheter, avid baker and cook, quilter, walker, bike rider, reader, writer – my roles and what I do – we are left with who I am and what I, in the end, want my legacy to be.
Who am I? If you reach into my core, you will find someone who believes she is good enough today but, will be better tomorrow because I am always learning and growing and will until the end of my days. I am working everyday to be the very best version of myself so that I can make the world around me a better place to be. I have hope and optimism, honesty and integrity. I seek peace and balance and I show courage and determination. I embrace change, show gratitude and live a life that includes kindness and acceptance.
My story includes a focus on my health – physically and mentally. Learning to live with no expectations is helping me feel gratitude and unconditional acceptance. I always set daily and monthly goals for reading, learning, creating, cleaning, connecting and getting healthier. I am working hard at living a life of connections and balance, growing in body, mind and spirit. My husband and I have reached a point of financial freedom where we can give freely to others and enjoy life without counting pennies. I feel passionate about my goals and fulfilled in my purpose. I value and organize my time and focus on creating good habits with a flexible structure to my days. I spend time with positive people and try to spend most of my time with people who bring out the best in me. I give of myself freely – I practice unexpected and random kindness directed at those in my circle. I am blessed and I am moving forward every day – I find joy in my journey – every day – and I share that joy with others.
My husband, Charles is my forever friend and partner in everything. My boys, Zachary and Sebastian are strong and gentle men. They are finding their way, becoming themselves and living lives of purpose.
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