Where did the summer go?
On August 26, 2024 by PamI always feel the end of summer as we approach Labour Day. I know that we will have more summer-like days ahead but, the freedom and “lazy day” feeling comes to an end as we approach the official “Autumn” on the calendar. I start with my “Autumn Cleanup” – cleaning out flower beds, polishing hardwood floors in preparation for bringing in the outdoor plants, freezing the tomatoes from the garden, making plans to can that famous zucchini relish that everyone loves – making the most of pool days and bike rides and games of golf because the days until winter start feeling more ominous. We have enjoyed the summer with a concert in Toronto with Zachary, bike rides with Sebastian, celebrations and lazy days by the pool and evenings in the gazebo. Golfing and biking and spending time with those in our circle – everything that makes summer a blessing and fills us with gratitude. We spent a very fun week with Charlotte and Mason – at 3 and 5 years old – there is a lot of wonder in how the experience and try new things – like canoeing and fishing and SO MUCH ENERGY for swimming and biking and running and playing. We are so grateful to have these little people in our lives.
So, before the evenings get too cool and I take in all the plants – I thought I would give you one last glimpse of summer in our backyard.

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